'The Walking Dead' Has Fans Wondering Why They Bothered to Bring Back Morales
That's it? Why not just let him be happy in Birmingham?
"The Walking Dead" is regularly baffling, but Season 8, Episode 3, "Monsters," killed off Season 1 group member Morales the episode after he returned for ... what?
- To emphasize the kill vs. spare argument between Rick/Morgan/Tara and Jesus/Rick/Maggie?
- To show, again, that the line between "us" and "them" is blurry, and Rick or Daryl could easily have been Saviors?
- To show how the people they were at the start of the zombie apocalypse -- including "Officer Friendly" -- are dead and of no matter now?
- To emphasize that they are all "Monsters" on both sides?
- To show that a Savior is bad news and has to die no matter what? If so, what about Dwight? What about Baby Savior Gracie? And what about Eugene, one of the (probably many) reluctant "Negans" out there, not exactly thrilled to be at war?
Those may sound like reasons to bring him back and kill him, but come on. Hardcore fans have been wanting a check-in with Morales' family since Season 1, and this is what we get? Why not let Morales live on with his family, or return to him in some way that actually serves the character instead of just using him for still another We Are All Monsters/Kill Or Be Killed debate? It's not like TWD hasn't covered that ground before.
Never mind that it doesn't make any sense that they went to Birmingham, Alabama and then somehow Morales also ended up outside Alexandria, Virginia. (It already strained credibility enough that Morgan followed his bromance buddy Rick that far.) Maybe that will make sense later.
But Morales returned angry and prone to long speeches, somehow blaming Rick for his own family's decision to leave the group in Atlanta. Rick even gave him supplies before they left. It doesn't make sense that he would now have such a personal rage for Rick and his "Monsters." It also doesn't make sense that, all of a sudden, Daryl Dixon is shooting without question. He knew who Morales was and "it don't matter, not one little bit." He just killed him and moved on.
Daryl takes out Morales. #TheWalkingDeadpic.twitter.com/bdOitlpnbl
— Clayton Baker (@IGIF_) November 6, 2017
Viewers were left confused by the quick return and exit of Morales. Many viewers didn't even remember who he was (even after AMC's endless "Walking Dead" marathons to remind them) and wanted him dead just for talking so much. After Daryl killed Morales, the show continued and gave fans a death they cared about more -- Eric -- and a big battle cliffhanger for King Ezekiel.
But many fans were left wondering why they treated Morales that way after all these years:
— nicole rhee (@debnamgrimes) November 6, 2017
#Morales return at season 8 from #thewalkingdeadpic.twitter.com/BnX2yBDDLU
— Emtycee (@EMTYCEE94) November 6, 2017
Wait, did we wait seven years for Morales to come back just for them to kill him...? #thewalkingdeadpic.twitter.com/S0qWEupJX6
— Stasii Schulze. (@StasiiSchulze) November 6, 2017
So Morales was a character for 3 minutes after 7 seasons of not being a character #RIPMorales#TheWalkingDead
— TWD Buzz (@TWDBUZZ) November 6, 2017
So Morales was brought back to show how cold Daryl's become? #TheWalkingDead#TWDpic.twitter.com/zP8PrK4eKs
— Brandon Ruiz-Peña (@BRuizPena) November 6, 2017
Sooo Morales is dead? Wow. I'm guessing the point of bringing him back was to show everyone he was dead officially. ???? #TheWalkingDead
— Absurd Boy (@AbsurdBoyTube) November 6, 2017
They literally brought back Morales after 7 seasons for less than 10 minutes of overall screen time. What was the actual point of that other than fan service? #TheWalkingDead
— Pranav (@CFCPranav) November 6, 2017
What was the point of bringing Morales back? #TheWalkingDead
— DAL 5-3 (@farismahmoud52) November 6, 2017
Even though Sunday's episode was a good episode, I'm pissed about Morales... #TheWalkingDead@WalkingDeadArmy#TWDFamily@TWDJunkie#TWDpic.twitter.com/TRUQ2HxBK8
— Faulkner (@TWD_Cult) November 6, 2017
So...they bring back Morales uh.. for what purpose uh?? #TheWalkingDeadpic.twitter.com/bJQsmDcHDw
— ????Problematique???????? (@xProblematiquex) November 6, 2017
What was the point in bringing him back if all you're going to do is kill him off so quickly? #Morales#TheWalkingDead
— Mary Collins (@MaryCollins316) November 6, 2017
I can't wait to see what they do w/Morales! Its been 7 yrs, I can't wait to see oh look he's dead. That was totally worth it #TheWalkingDead
— KingNothing (@Livingstone2001) November 6, 2017
We could of had a great story to Morales but nooooo. We waited all this time for him to come back and they kill him off. Wasted opportunity! Made me so mad. #TheWalkingDead
— Mary Collins (@MaryCollins316) November 6, 2017
So they brought back Morales 7 seasons later for w/e reason only to kill him within 5 minutes of the 2nd episode he's in. #TheWalkingDeadpic.twitter.com/4ERhRu7n8I
— Kelsey | #TeamBlue???? (@iAmKelsey91) November 6, 2017
Someone tell me again why Morales was important enough to bring back? #TheWalkingDeadpic.twitter.com/A3LC76YiSZ
— NovembersVeryOwn♏️ (@Jus4Lafs) November 6, 2017
The whole Morales sequence may seem bizarre but I feel like it will serve a specific purpose towards the end of the war #TheWalkingDead
— Osama ???? (@ozzieh10) November 6, 2017
Maybe it will make more sense later. Right now, it's just another frustrating missed opportunity. "The Walking Dead" Season 8 continues Sundays at 9 p.m. on AMC.
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