Vernon DentMovies

Born in February 16th, 1895

From San Jose, California, USA

Guns A Poppin Poster
June 13, 1957
Booty And The Beast Poster
March 5, 1953
The Tooth Will Out Poster
October 4, 1951
The Awful Sleuth Poster
April 18, 1951
Hokus Pokus Poster
May 5, 1949
Three Little Pirates Poster
December 5, 1946
A Bird in the Head Poster
February 28, 1946
Busy Buddies Poster
March 18, 1944
Crash Goes the Hash Poster
February 4, 1944
Nothing But Pleasure Poster
January 19, 1940
Teacher's Pest Poster
November 2, 1939
Saved by the Belle Poster
June 30, 1939
Share the Wealth Poster
May 8, 1936
Hollywood Trouble Poster
January 1, 1935
Texas Cyclone Poster
February 24, 1932
Murder at Midnight Poster
September 1, 1931
Gents of Leisure Poster
May 9, 1931
Crazy House Poster
November 1, 1930
The Beach Club Poster
January 21, 1928
A Sea Dogs Tale Poster
July 11, 1926
Plain Clothes Poster
March 28, 1925
Boobs in the Wood Poster
February 1, 1925
Riders of the Purple Cows Poster
October 18, 1924
Fred Windemere Poster
April 1, 1920
Mystic Mush Poster
January 1, 1920
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