The Royal Scandal (2001)

"Temptation May Be His Greatest Adversary"Movie
Audience Score
The Royal Scandal
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Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes - the world's greatest detective - faces a most alluring adversary... Legendary opera star Irene Adler is threatening to destroy the King of Bohemia's reputation with proof of their illicit affair. The evidence? A photograph. Her ransom? The king's hand in marriage. But not only does investigating detective Sherlock Holmes already know Irene from the past, he also knows that the queen of manipulation would never resort to such a common crime. After uncovering her true ambitions, Holmes draws the cunning songstress into a well-matched game of cat and mouse

Sherlock Holmes (Matt Frewer) Collection

A series of films starring Matt Frewer as Arthur Conan Doyle's famous fictional detective Sherlock Holmes.

Movie Details

Theatrical Release:October 19th, 2001
On DVD & Blu-ray:April 3rd, 2007 - Buy DVD
Original Language:English
Production Companies:Muse Entertainment