"Deep Blue Sea" has everything: shape-changing genius sharks, maddeningly convoluted plot points, comic relief from LL Cool J, water-related puns, and more shockingly brutal deaths than all six seasons of "Game of Thrones" combined. OK, that last one's a stretch, but you get the point.

This week, the CAN'T WAIT! crew dives into Renny Harlin's 1999 aquatic misstep classic, which stars a bunch of people whose careers were likely stifled by the movie's severe lack of box office success. (Except for Samuel L. Jackson, whose death in the movie made him a star all over again.) Topics discussed include cartoon-like CG sharks, the egregious misappropriation of science, favorite death scenes, and uncovering the real hero of the movie (spoiler alert: it's not the bird).

Next week, we'll be discussing 1998's genre-confused witch tale, "Practical Magic," starring Nicole Kidman, Sandra Bullock, Stockard Channing, and Diane Wiest.

Listen to CAN'T WAIT! A Movie Lover's Podcast Episode 18: 'Deep Blue Sea'Total runtime: 58:09

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CAN'T WAIT! A Movie Lover's Podcast by Moviefone celebrates Hollywood's guiltiest pleasures by taking a fresh look at critically ignored movies and giving them a second chance at life. Join Moviefone editors Tim Hayne, Rachel Horner, Phil Pirrello, and Tony Maccio as they extol the virtues and expose the failings (with love!) of nostalgic movies.