Fragments Surviving Pieces of Lost Films (2011)

Audience Score
Fragments Surviving Pieces of Lost Films
Among the pieces featured in Fragments are the final reel of John Fords The Village Blacksmith 1922 and a glimpse at Emil Jannings in The Way of All Flesh 1927 the only Oscarwinning performance in a lost film Fragments also features clips from such lost films as Cleopatra 1917 starring Theda Bara The Miracle Man 1919 with Lon Chaney He Comes Up Smiling 1918 starring Douglas Fairbanks an early lost sound film Gold Diggers of Broadway 1929 filmed in early Technicolor and the only color footage of silent star Clara Bow Red Hair 1928 The program is rounded out with interviews of film preservationists involved in identifying and restoring these films Also featured is a new interview with Diana Serra Cary best known as Baby Peggy one of the major American child stars of the silent era who discusses one of the featured fragments Darling of New York 1923