Frau Kutzer und andere Bewohner der Naunynstraße

Frau Kutzer und andere Bewohner der Naunynstraße
NR 55 min
Frau Kutzer und andere Bewohner der Naunystraße features the warwidow Frau Kutzer the philosopherguest worker Niyazi as well as other characters passing through the street The street itself bears silent witness to the deferred good life of the laborer If Germany is a little America as the narrator tells us could there have been a German Dream for the migrant worker Or is BerlinKreuzberg rather the site of an ongoing nightmare filled with the specters of Germanys past How do stories of place and of people converge on Naunystrasse And how does this documentary speak to us today
DirectorFriedrich Zimmermann

Movie Details

Original Language:English
Production Companies:Sender Freies Berlin