Ma and Pa Kettle on Vacation (1953)

Movie"It's all NEW...It's all FUN!"
Audience Score
Ma and Pa Kettle on Vacation
The Kettles are in Paris along with their daughter-in-law's parents the Parkers. Pa tries to buy racy postcards. He also gets in big trouble when he is given a letter to deliver to Adolph Wade, a spy who gets killed by spies Inez and Cyrus Kraft.
DirectorCharles Lamont
WriterJack Henley

Ma and Pa Kettle Collection

Ma and Pa Kettle have their hands full with a ramshackle farm and a brood of ramshackle children. When the future comes a-callin' in the form of modern houses, exotic locales and newfangled ideas, Ma and Pa must learn how to make the best of it with luck, pluck and a little country charm.

Movie Details

Theatrical Release:April 1st, 1953
Original Language:English
Production Companies:Universal International Pictures