Just as news of a virus started trending young GenZers were uploading bright shiny plans for 2020 online South African singerdancer Cassandra announced shed landed her dream gig onboard a cruise ship American singlemomstripper Jessica started a diary of her makeup brand Tina was pulling out of Germany to vlog her solo crosscontinent campervan adventure Born with smartphones in hand this generation was already accustomed to sharing every emotion thought and meal online so filmmakers Udi Nir and Sagi Bornstein seized the moment hit YouTube hard and created a fascinating trip back to the preCOVID future Seven people from India to San Francisco navigate the emotional spectrum of pandemic denial shock and acceptance in real time Plans and partners dramatically change but so do their ideas about resilience and value in the modern world Take an addictive look back at a notsodistant past when optimism was a given and the future was unmapped