Awesome 'Wonder Woman 1984' Cast Photo Perfectly Recreates 'The Breakfast Club' Pose
"The Breakfast Club" came out in early 1985, but it was set on Saturday, March 24, 1984.
The sequel to "Wonder Woman" is called "Wonder Woman 1984," and it too is set in 1984.
And now we can match DC's "Wonder Woman 2" stars to their respective "Breakfast Club" characters. We have achieved Peak Geek!
"Wonder Woman 2" once again stars Gal Gadot as Diana Prince/Wonder Woman. Joining her this time are Kristen Wiig as villain Barbara Ann Minerva / Cheetah, Pedro Pascal as Not Sure Yet (possibly Maxwell Lord), and -- somehow -- Chris Pine returning as Steve Trevor.
Director Patty Jenkins posed with them for a "Breakfast Club" tribute that was reportedly posted by Pedro Pascal before he deleted it. But the Internet saves everything, so here it is:
And here's the full "Breakfast Club" poster:Amazon
The brain, the athlete, the basket case, the princess, and the criminal. Love it. Read into each star/character pose as you will.
"Wonder Woman 1984" opens in theaters on November 1, 2019.
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The Breakfast Club