'Big Brother 19' Spoilers: Megan Explains Self-Eviction, Alex Won POV, Will Cameron Return?
Well, you certainly can't say "Big Brother 19" has had a boring first week. The season premiered Wednesday -- evicting poor Cameron Heard just hours after he entered the house -- and the live feeds started after Thursday's episode aired on the West Coast, catching fans up to what was happening in real-time after a week of taped footage.
What we saw was an instant shock: Dog walker Megan Lowder was gone. Her photo on the memory wall was black-and-white so it was clear that she was gone gone.
Megan's memory wall photo is black and white. She is gone #BB19pic.twitter.com/g9WtKAzkzF
— Big Brother Updates (@BB_Updates) June 30, 2017
What happened? We should see in the Sunday, July 2 episode (we'd better) but Raven Walton did a bit of explaining, saying it had something to do with fights in the house:
Raven to Christmas- At 1 is when we found out that she (Megan) walked. I have seen way worse fights in here #BB19
— Big Brother Updates (@BB_Updates) June 30, 2017
Raven to Christmas- She (Megan) didnt respect the game enough to come and say "I'm sorry, I got caught up in my lies" #BB19
— Big Brother Updates (@BB_Updates) June 30, 2017
Raven- She (Megan) just walked out because she couldnt handle it and got caught up in her own lies. That's Big Brother #BB19
— Big Brother Updates (@BB_Updates) June 30, 2017
That's just from Raven's perspective, but the fact is that Megan left. It's shocking for anyone to leave so early in the game, but especially someone who had bragged about being a military interrogator, saying "Big Brother" would be nothing after that.
UPDATE: Megan explained what went wrong in an interview with The Desert Sun:
— Megan Lowder (@MeganAnnBB19) July 1, 2017
Last we saw on TV, Megan was in a confusing beef with unstable Josh Martinez.
Remember Josh and Megan? This is them now. Feel old yet? #BB19pic.twitter.com/Nicc1bY2bv
— d a k o t a (@officiaI_drc) June 30, 2017
"Future serial killer" Cody Nickson is the first Head of Household, and he had nominated Megan and Jillian Parker, saying he just didn't like Megan. (What did she do?!) There was chatter about some kind of alleged racist comment, possibly from Jessica Graf about Alex Ow, but it's not clear what was said, if anything. (Something about Alex being a panda?)
With Megan gone, Cody had to name a replacement, and he went with Alex.
Alex- Send help. I'm on the block! Jillian- We are on the block together! #BB19pic.twitter.com/VmxH4wbz2O
— Big Brother Updates (@BB_Updates) June 30, 2017
The Power of Veto competition -- hosted by instant legend Kevin Schlehuber -- was scheduled for late Friday afternoon, and Alex won POV. So she'll obviously take herself off the block.
Alex to camera- I told you I'm coming for the showmances. I'm going to crush every single one of them #BB19
— Big Brother Updates (@BB_Updates) June 30, 2017
Cody had initially said returning player Paul Abrahamian was a potential target, but now it sounds like the majority may be gunning for rodeo clown Jason Dent.
Paul- Although Jason seems like the obvious option, we need to pay attention to what Ramses has been up to #BB19pic.twitter.com/34oa2YiUDY
— Big Brother Updates (@BB_Updates) June 30, 2017
Speaking of Paul, he's crediting himself with stirring up drama in the house, saying the women this season are more confrontational than BB18, and he's going to try to use that against them:
Paul- A huge gameplay for me is get some of these girls to start eating each other up, which is what I did with Alex, Megan, Jessica #BB19
— Big Brother Updates (@BB_Updates) June 30, 2017
Paul- I was like "hey Jess, I heard that you were being a little racist". She went straight to Alex, straight to Megan. Megan left #BB19
— Big Brother Updates (@BB_Updates) June 30, 2017
Wow. It has only been one week and two episodes, but there are already at least two showmances in the house:
- Cody & Jessica
- Matthew Clines & Raven
Mark Jansen seems to want a showmance and he appeared to be close to Elena Davies, but they might not be a thing. Some fans would like Elena and Christmas Abbott to be a showmance. But even more fans just want Cameron to come back, since he got stiffed.
Cameron when he finds out Megan quit immediately after he was evicted #superfanstruggles#BB19pic.twitter.com/kyh7Wk4xs0
— Arisa Cox (@arisacox) June 30, 2017
Can we get #BringCameronBack Trending? #BB19#BBLF#BBCameronpic.twitter.com/zmhi9Nftco
— BigBrother LiveFeeds (@CBSBigBrother19) June 30, 2017
I feel bad for Cameron now. A super fan of the show gets out day one, but days later Megan decides to walk. Ridiculous, #bringcameronback
— amanda ♡ (@bb19xoxo) June 30, 2017
Day 9 is done and we had a walkout before the feeds came on! Megan left the the #BB19 house! I say #BringCameronBackpic.twitter.com/qgnXR6o9Mq
— Big Brother Junkie???? (@89razorskate20) June 30, 2017
So Megan's back on social media and Cameron is not......does that mean #bb19#BigBrother19#BringCameronBackpic.twitter.com/WnzQ6tfwLs
— BBopinion (@BigBrother1442) June 30, 2017
The next episode of BB19 will air Sunday night (July 2) at 8 p.m. on CBS, showing what happened with Megan ... and also revealing which houseguest viewers voted into the Den of Temptation. (Spoiler: It's Paul. Shocker.) The POV results that will be known later tonight or Saturday will be shown on Wednesday's episode. The first live eviction will be Thursday.
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