Gina Rodriguez just keeps continuing to be Jane the Virgin" star lent her 2015 Golden Globes dress to a fan, and the girl just attended her prom while wearing the gown.

The story began on social media back in January when Jessica Casanova, a high school senior from Buffalo, New York, tweeted at Rodriguez that she would love to wear the actress's navy Zac Posen gown from the 2016 Globes to her upcoming prom. To Casanova's shock, Rodriguez replied to her request, and though the actress didn't have access to the Posen gown anymore, she did still own the black Badgley Mischka that she wore while winning a statuette back in 2015. Rodriguez offered that gown to Casanova instead.

Naturally, Casanova agreed, and after Rodriguez obtained Casanova's contact information, the actress shipped her the dress. Fast-forward to May 26, when Casanova wore the sleek, stunning frock to her prom. The Buffalo News interviewed Casanova as she got ready for the event, and the 17-year-old admitted that the situation was "crazy."

"It gives me chills," Casanova said of wearing Rodriguez's gown, adding that the dress "fits like a glove."

According to the News, Rodriguez even sent Casanova a video text message wishing her luck at the prom. The pair continued to exchange messages to each other on Twitter over the past few months, with Casanova pledging to send Rodriguez a painting she made of the actress as a thank you for lending her the dress. And Rodriguez also voiced her approval for how awesome Casanova looked on prom night, responding to the teen's Twitter photo captioned "We slayed" with an enthusiastic "You certainly did."

And we certainly agree. Cheers to Rodriguez for being an awesome celebrity, and congrats to Casanova for getting to live out her glamorous Hollywood fantasies.

[via: Jessica Casanova, Gina Rodriguez, The Buffalo News]

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