How the 'Girls Trip' Cast Came Together - and 'Pushed It!'
You can't fake movie chemistry. But the creators of the comedy hit "Girls Trip" knew that if they found the right ingredients, good things could happen.
So in casting this freewheeling comedy about dancing, drinking, brawling, romancing and sisterhood, producers zeroed in on an actress who would ground the movie: Regina Hall.
"We knew she was ready to have a movie where she was the anchor where the story and the arc was around her," producer William Packer tells Made in Hollywood reporter Patrick Stinson. "Then we needed a perfect crew for her."
They approached Queen Latifah and Jada Pinkett Smith, who had not worked together on screen since the heist film "Set If Off" in 1996.
"They both said, 'Absolutely. We're in. We've been looking for something to work together on,'" recalls Packer. "Then we had to find that fourth member of the Flossy Posse."
That led to them to the summer's breakout star: Tiffany Haddish, who did not hesitate to join this pool of talent.
"I was not pushed. I jumped right in," she says. "I can't wait to be with my new sisters."
From the start, the stars decided to abandon all their comic inhibitions.
"We would just go for it," says Smith. "So we all came together as a cast and really like pushed it!"
The result, says Hall, was an experience as enjoyable off-screen as it was on. "It was just fun, like smiles, and just happy, and laughing after takes," she says. "It just had a special feeling."
Girls Trip