Jason Sudeikis Relives the Day He and His Father Had ’The Talk’
In a convoluted way, Jason Sudeikis can attribute some of his sexual education to Cuba Gooding Jr.
The star of "Sleeping With Other People" told James Corden on "The Late Late Show" on Wednesday that when he was a high school sophomore, his father decided to have a serious discussion during the drive to school.
“I had already been sexually active, but he had just watched 'Boyz In The Hood,' and Lawrence Fishburne's character, Furious Styles, gives Cuba Gooding Jr.'s character 'the talk,'" he recalls. "My dad started off, so I was watching 'Boyz In The Hood' last night, which is pretty great to have a Kansas dad say to you. I said 'What did you think dad?'"
Sudeikis remembers his dad saying, "I want you to know that I have protection on my closet, and the whole time in my head I'm like, 'You used to.'"
"I was very respectful," he said of the moment, but added that it was "awkward as hell."