The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences did everything in its power this year to prevent a repeat of Oscars telecast, instating a lengthy list of new rules centered around the envelopes containing the winners' names. One key change involved a complete redesign of said envelopes -- and viewers at home definitely noticed.

It was hard to miss the large, black envelopes stamped with giant, gold lettering, which was also in all caps in case anyone needed extra help making out the writing. (We're looking at you, Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway.) The category names were actually written twice on the front of the envelopes, and the flap also had the category name scrawled across it, cutting out any possibility of confusion about what envelope presenters were opening.

Even the inside cards, which revealed the winners' names, also featured a much larger, bolder font, as can be seen here during Best Costume Design victor (and new jet ski owner) Mark Bridges's speech. (Tell the truth, Mark: You held your envelope out like that so no one would question whether you won, didn't you?)

The writing was so comically large that many viewers took to Twitter to share some snarky thoughts about the new stationery. Some joked that the font was probably visible from space, which honestly probably isn't too far off.

Guillermo del Toro, who accepted the statuette when his film "The Shape of Water" took home Best Picture, couldn't help but double check his envelope when returning presenter Warren Beatty handed it over.

But thanks to the Academy's new graphic designer, he really didn't have to. The dramatic change may have been funny, but at least it worked.

[via: Twitter Moments]