"Saturday Night Live" returned from break the night before the Oscars, and they really went there.

You could say the biggest Hollywood story of 2017 was the outing of so many industry pervs, so SNL gave them their own awards show: The Grabbies!

Red carpet hosts Yolanda Beaks (Cecily Strong) and -- until he was removed -- Danny Kilmartin (Beck Bennett) interviewed actors nominated in categories like Handsiest Actor, Best Non Apology, and the Cecil B. Molestin' Award.

Lenny Martin (Pete Davidson) was one of the nominees for Most Open Robe. Here's his red carpet interview:

Danny Kilmartin: "Lenny, who are you wearing tonight?"

Lenny Martin: "Thin sweatpants with no underwear."

Yolanda Beaks: "Terrific. This is such a huge moment for you. You must be so ashamed!"

Lenny: "You'd think so. But nope!"

Danny: "Can you give us a preview of your speech tonight if you win?"

Lenny: "Of course. Well, first I'd like to thank guns for pivoting the national conversation away from harassment. I'd also like to thank my uncle for always saying 'Boys will be boys," when when it was, like, O.J. And of course I'd like to thank drugs and puking for keeping me in shape. It's hard to look this good when you're 57."


Other nominees were played by Alex Moffat, Kenan Thompson, host Charles Barkley, and Aidy Bryant as the sole female offender.

Watch The Grabbies red carpet:Get the full list of 2018 Oscar winners, and other news, at Moviefone.com/oscars-academy-awards.

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