'Star Wars': Every Box Office Record 'The Force Awakens' Has Broken
It's official: "Star Wars" is bigger than "Avatar."
On Wednesday, "The Force Awakens" became the highest grossing film of all-time at the domestic box office, crushing the $760.5M gross of James Cameron's hit in a record 20 days of release. And to add even more coin to its Scrooge McDuck vault, "Star Wars" also hit the $800M mark at the international box office.
Over the holiday break, fans watched as J.J. Abrams' very entertaining blockbuster broke box office records left and right. To impress your friends, here's a handy list of all the times the movie has made history so far:
-- Fastest film to reach $100M (21 hours), $200M (3 days), $300M (5 days), $400M (8 days), $500M (10 days), $600M (12 days), and $700M (16 days)
-- Biggest opening weekend ever and biggest December opening ($247.9M)
-- Biggest opening week ever ($390.85M)
-- Biggest Thursday preview ever ($57M)
-- Biggest opening day, single day and Friday ever ($119.1M)
-- Biggest IMAX debut ($30.1M)
-- Biggest second weekend of all time ($149.2M), propelling the industry to the biggest overall Christmas weekend of all time ($296.4M for all films, Dec. 25-27)
-- Biggest third weekend of all-time ($90.2M)
-- Biggest Sunday ($60.6M), Monday ($40.1M), and Tuesday ($37.3M) in box office history
-- Biggest Christmas Day ($49.3M) and New Year's Day ($34.39M) ever.
But wait -- there's more. "Star Wars" also posted the biggest global launch in the history of ever, with an insane $528.9M. It also cleared a billion dollars in a record 12 days.
So how high will "Star Wars" go? It's hard to say, because literally no movie has ever done this type of business before. But the film shows no signs of slowing down, especially with a lack of serious competition in January -- a month that is traditionally ho-hum in terms of box office.
Some pundits say that the film could reach $1B domestic. *brainsplode
"Episode VIII" hits theaters May 2017, and "Rogue One: A Star Wars Story" arrives December 16, 2016 -- almost a year after "The Force Awakens."