It's hard to believe they dared to delete a Stefan/Caroline scene from "The Vampire Diaries" series finale. But they did -- they being The CW, which just posted the 1-minute, 44-second deleted scene on YouTube, including this beautiful exchange from the newlyweds:

Stefan (Paul Wesley): "I bet this isn't how you were expecting to spend our wedding night."
Caroline (Candice King): "In case things get chaotic later, I love you Mr. Salvatore."
Stefan: "And I love you, Mrs. Forbes-hyphen-Salvatore."
Caroline: "We didn't even talk about that!"
Stefan: "Come on. I know who I married."

THE FEELS. The clip also features Damon (Ian Somerhalder) getting impatient with Stefan, and he's so good at that:

The series finale aired in March, but "The Vampire Diaries: The Eighth and Final Season" just came out on DVD last week, including deleted scenes, so that's probably why this scene is only coming out now. Tonight (June 23) also marks the finale of TVD spinoff "The Originals" Season 4.

Of course, fans shared impassioned comments under the video, wishing this scene had been included, or that Steroline got better treatment, or not caring about Steroline because they're more into Klaroline -- which could still happen -- or still upset about a lack of a Delena proposal scene. Etc. Oh, how we missed this fandom!

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