Warning: Spoilers ahead from the Sunday, November 15, 2015 episode of "The Walking Dead."

The very first thing we thought after hearing "Help" on the walkie talkie at the end of last night's "The Walking Dead" Season 6, Episode 6, was that it was Glenn Rhee's (Steven Yeun) voice, alive and ready to be saved. Daryl, Sasha, and Abraham all heard the call, but Norman Reedus (Daryl Dixon) told Entertainment Weekly, point blank, "I will say that voice is not Glenn."

Well, that sucks. EW said people were wondering if it was Glenn, and you could see Glenn hope all over Twitter and as the majority guess on Talking Dead. Norman repeated, "It's not Glenn. But it's probably somebody at Alexandria with all we know that's happening there." Norman repeated the "It's not Glenn!" line to IGN, but added that we'll find out who is it "pretty quick."

So who is speaking on the walkie? Ron, maybe? It didn't sound like Rick. Spencer? Aaron? A mystery person? Mikey, whom we haven't heard from since last season? Remember him? We met him when Carl met Ron and Enid. In the comic book, he's Nicholas's son. Hope that's not the case on TV, for multiple reasons. Anyway, it's probably not Mikey but the show shouldn't just forget him.

And we haven't forgotten Glenn. Just because it's not his voice doesn't mean he's gone. We're still expecting/hoping to see him back in action in this upcoming Episode 7, "Heads Up," on November 22.

Your turn. Whose voice is calling for "Help"?

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