
Legacy Season 2

TV Show"A family at war with itself."

Season 2 Episodes

1. Full circle

September 20th, 2021

What will happen in the aftermath of Felicity’s terrible accident? Will she survive? Will Dineo be found out? Jonno's family are furious with Petra for running away from the wedding.

2. Run

September 21st, 2021

Dineo tries to make sense of the news that brought her to these circumstances. A Potgieter child returns home for good.

3. Between life and death

September 22nd, 2021

The Price family is called to the hospital to hear very bad news. Stefan has a shocking realization that will change everything.

4. Bloodlines

September 23rd, 2021

With Felicity hovering at death’s door, Dineo strikes a deal with the devil. But is it better for Felicity to live, or die?

5. New blood

September 27th, 2021

Everyone is delighted Felicity has survived, but Dineo shows no remorse for pushing her. Robbie tries to come to terms with having had a father he never knew.

6. Sebastian's Legacy

September 28th, 2021

Dineo and Felicity have tough decisions to make as they face the truth of what they are guilty of. Robbie struggles to wrap his head around the passing of the man he thought was his father and his real father.

7. The balance of power

September 29th, 2021

As Felicity celebrates a miraculous recovery, Dineo contemplates revenge. But before she can draw blood, a new enemy appears. Still reeling from the revelation that Sebastian is his father, Robbie sets out to meet his true family…

8. Blackmail and boxers

September 30th, 2021

Felicity and Dineo manage to raise the payment for Darren, but then Darren shows his true colours and Dineo’s life changes forever.

9. Birds of a feather

October 4th, 2021

Felicity and Dineo form an uneasy alliance after a fateful encounter results in them being responsible for a crime. Sims and Stefan bond and find a positive way forward through adversity. Angelique begins defensive manoeuvres while Robbie ponders his next step.

10. Unlikely allies

October 5th, 2021

Will Felicity and Dineo be able to forget their differences and deal with the new, murderous bond that ties them together? Sims and Stefan's friendship is gearing up to be dangerous and hi-octane. Will both of them come out the other end in one piece?

11. Intimate strangers

October 6th, 2021

Dineo welcomes Sefako to Legacy, but then worries that he’ll be implicated in the murder investigation. Robbie says he’s Jerry’s son and Jerry said money was the root of all evil. But then he realises the pub is in real financial trouble - Jerry had his head in the sand.

12. Flirtations and confrontations

October 7th, 2021

Lexi makes a decision regarding her investment in Sims and Stefan’s new company. Angelique is on the war path of the new family threatening to uproot the Price fortune.

13. Fear of reprisals

October 11th, 2021

Marco starts to dig around at Legacy. What will he find out? Angelique's latest move against the Hugo's has the opposite effect she intended. It spurs Robbie's fury and determination instead of scaring him off.

14. Brothers

October 12th, 2021

Angelique makes Robbie an offer that will change all their lives. Marco reveals a shocking reason for his interest in Darren’s disappearance.

15. For closure

October 13th, 2021

As Dineo dodges a determined detective, Felicity falls deeper in love with her mystery fling. Neither knows it’s the same man! Robbie squares up to take the fight to the Prices, and stake his claim as the prodigal son.

16. Double-edged sword

October 14th, 2021

Robbie has a tough decision to make between what he wants and what could help his family. Sims and Stefan are met with unforeseen challenges on the day of their pitch.

17. Family first

October 18th, 2021

Angelique swears to take revenge on her new enemy. Felicity’s new love life is in jeopardy because of unexpected circumstances.

18. Nothing but the truth

October 19th, 2021

Felicity comes face to face with another truth that makes it all the more difficult for her to be with Marco while Dineo opens up to someone close. A new discovery throws a spanner in Robbie’s little bubble.

19. All is lost

October 20th, 2021

Dineo tells Felicity to break-up with Marco. But Marco has a startling admission for Felicity. As Brightside takes off, Sims tests Lexi’s affections… And is disappointed with her response. Angelique’s counterattack leaves the Hugo family cornered. Will they lose everything in pursuit of price recognition?

20. Under the surface

October 21st, 2021

Just as Robbie thinks all is lost for his family, Elizabeth arrives opens a beautiful door of opportunity. Sims changes his mind and comes clean to Lexi about his feelings for her. Her reaction leaves him floored.

21. Secrets and pacts

October 25th, 2021

Can Felicity split her loyalty between the man she has feelings for and her family? Elizabeth goes behind Angelique's back to find out if Robbie is telling the truth.

22. Feelings

October 26th, 2021

Lexi makes a difficult admission to Gordon. Elizabeth visits the Hugos, and things get awkward…

23. False tests and funerals

October 27th, 2021

Felicity supports Marco through the ordeal of his brother’s funeral, much to Dineo’s concern. Elizabeth and Robbie feel certain that they are siblings. There’s plenty of unresolved emotions between Lexi and Sims.

24. Unfortunate truths

October 28th, 2021

Robbie navigates the aftermath of the negative DNA test results and finds it difficult to face his mother. Felicity and Dineo desperately try to remain calm as Detective Marco Andino finds out about a mysterious lead around Darren’s death.

25. False negative

November 1st, 2021

Dineo and Felicity stay one step ahead of Marco’s investigation. That is, until Marco catches a much-needed lead. Robbie and Elizabeth lament their negative DNA test results. But Gordon suspects foul play…

26. Brothers and sisters

November 2nd, 2021

Angelique has a crisis of conscience and Elizabeth learns the truth. Lexi comes clean to Sims and it’s fireworks all over again. Marco declares his feelings for Felicity, but she keeps her conscience contained.

27. Morning in New York

November 3rd, 2021

Robbie gets exciting news, and Denise drops a devastating truth bomb on Angelique. The trail seems to have gone cold for Marco - or has it?

28. Positive ID

November 4th, 2021

Felicity and Dineo must intercept a key witness before he unmasks them to Marco. As Angelique melts into obscurity, Robbie heads off to meet the family.

29. A ticking time bomb

November 8th, 2021

Dineo and Felicity are racing against the clock as they try to find a way to keep their secret hidden. Willem is conflicted about what to do with his recent discovery.

30. Hope in dark places

November 9th, 2021

Willem goes on a journey that is more complicated than he thought it would be. Marco gives Felicity some bitter-sweet news.

31. Just desserts

November 10th, 2021

Willem wonders whether he shouldn’t rather keep the money to help the people closest to him - R500k can go a long way! Robbie is resistant to taking Angelique’s offer- corporate life is not his dream. Marco won’t give up until he finds the truth. What Felicity and Dineo need is a scapegoat.

32. Avenging angels

November 11th, 2021

Felicity has a radical plan to tie up loose ends… But does Dineo have the stomach for it? Willem’s search for the owner of the money puts him at odds with Sanele. Will Robbie be able to find his place at Legacy. Or will the corporate constraints prove too much for him.

33. Know your enemy

November 15th, 2021

Willem is at the mercy of a desperate Vlooi and Dusty. Robbie is given a Legacy-style makeover.

34. Let bygones be bygones

November 16th, 2021

Felicity manipulates Marco’s investigation to cast suspicion away from her and Dineo but Dineo remains uncomfortable about Marco’s close proximity and decides to take action of her own. Stefan rescues Willem but Willem is unhappy to learn that his captors have been arrested. Robbie reels in a big fish for Legacy.

35. Moving on and out

November 17th, 2021

Robbie relishes in his new found respect and fortune, but doesn’t realise just what he’s got himself into. Willem decides what he wants to do with the money he now has safely back.

36. This song is about you

November 18th, 2021

Robbie must pull off a miracle if he’s to win back the trust of the Japanese investor and prove himself to the Price family. As the Potgieters and Sanele come to terms with the cash that got away, life throws Charmaine and Willem another curve ball.

37. Water under the bridge

November 22nd, 2021

Gordon’s world is turned upside down when he is visited by a ghost from the past. The prodigal son of Legacy has returned: Msizi is back! Will Dineo forgive him?

38. Love won and lost

November 23rd, 2021

Dineo finds she can no longer resist Msizi. Gordon faces the pain of a love he thought he’d left behind. Charmaine and Willem wade through the emotions of a promised child.

39. Ghosts of our past

November 24th, 2021

Lexi accidentally tells Sims something she shouldn’t. Charmaine finds out news that could change her life and future plans forever. Gordon gets an unexpected visitor once more.

40. Love and other things

November 25th, 2021

Gordon has a meeting with a special old friend. Charmaine proposes something that has Willem shaken to the core.

41. Take a chance on love

November 29th, 2021

Msizi’s return has thrown the lives of those who care for him into disarray. Willem wants Charmaine to be happy but feels the pressure of going against his instincts. Gordon opens himself up to the possibility of love.

42. A love like this

November 30th, 2021

Dineo and Msizi are left stunned by Thandi’s reaction to their love. Gordon is hellbent on getting the love he deserves. Willem finds himself torn between the two women he has loved.

43. Tell it like it is

December 1st, 2021

Angelique tells Ramon that if he’s not in it for the long haul, he should rather leave. Charmaine tells Willem she won’t be earning while she’s on pregnancy leave. Dineo tells Msizi she won’t be his mistress or second-wife.

44. No happy endings

December 2nd, 2021

Charmaine’s excitement at impending motherhood grows… But is Willem really on board? Will Gordon accept Ramon’s rejection… Or will he fight for his man? Msizi and Dineo enjoy a blissful day… But trouble is brewing on the horizon.

45. Spectres of the past

December 6th, 2021

The aftermath of Willem's rant about abortion ripples through the family. Thandi is not going to just give in to Msizi. The divorce proceedings look like they will be long and hard.

46. Nobody wins a war

December 7th, 2021

Gordon is still refusing to give up on Ramon, but he’s in for a nasty shock. A family intervention at the Potgieters goes violently wrong.

47. All or nothing

December 8th, 2021

Dineo urges Msizi to be fair with Thandi to keep the peace but Thandi is in war mode. Willem’s stubborness could cost him the love of all he holds dear. Gordon wrestles with choosing between protecting himself from getting more emotionally scarred or embracing love and all the pain it will bring.

48. Second chances

December 9th, 2021

Gordon takes a chance with his heart, as Willem admits his greatest fears to Charmaine. Msizi’s divorce from Thandi turns ugly with Dineo caught in the middle…

49. Rebirthing

December 13th, 2021

The aftermath of Thandi’s article leaves Dineo more and more concerned about the slinging match between Thandi and Msizi. Willem and Charmaine try to patch things up and decide to visit the doctor together for her first check up.

50. Incoming pieces

December 14th, 2021

Msizi thinks he has the upper hand with Thandi, but is challenged by new tactics. Gordon is faced with Ramon’s challenging wishes for their relationship.

51. Babies and lost love

December 15th, 2021

Charmaine and Willem are finally perfectly at peace, when disaster strikes. Msizi makes a hard decision about his divorce settlement. Gordon is finally beginning to enjoy being with Ramon, when Ramon is whisked away.

52. Love me or leave me

December 16th, 2021

Willem and Charmaine struggle to come to terms with their loss Msizi has to make a tough decision of what he wants most between Dineo and his assets.

53. All I want for Christmas

December 20th, 2021

As everyone tiptoes around Charmaine, she struggles to feel the pain of her miscarriage. All she feels is numb… Dineo and Msizi’s relationship soes new resentments among their children.

54. Holiday blues

December 21st, 2021

Msizi and Dineo face off over their Christmas day arrangements. Angelique realises that she may be absolutely on her own for Christmas. But that won’t do… Charmaine and Willem decide on a secret Santa Christmas. A small, peaceful Christmas…

55. Christmas presence

December 22nd, 2021

Dineo and Msizi struggle to compromise, as both have firm ideas for the perfect Christmas… As the Potgieter family plan a quiet Christmas at home, Stefan suspects that Willem has a secret. Angelique resigns herself to a lonely Christmas… but her children have other plans…

56. A messy Christmas to you!

December 23rd, 2021

Christmas is much more than what everyone has bargained for with Dineo and Msizi’s plans going awry, Willem dropping a bomb on Charmaine, and Angelique finding her plans hijacked by her match.

57. 'Tis the Season

December 27th, 2021

The ghost of Christmas past comes back to haunt Angelique. Dineo puts her foot down with Msizi and Sefako. They need to sort themselves out.

58. Babelas

December 28th, 2021

As Dineo and Msizi snag on the bigger questions, Lexi begins to suspect there’s a reason Sims is shutting her out… In the wake of a disastrous Christmas, Elizabeth tries to punish Angelique. But Angelique will take no more.

59. Coupling complications

December 29th, 2021

Msizi makes the effort to compromise in order to strengthen his relationship with Dineo. Sims ask Lexi for some space and time to deal with his family issues. Gordon is stunned by Ramon’s latest diagnosis

60. New Years grieve

December 30th, 2021

Dineo and Msizi make new years resolutions for the year ahead as they have a very special night in. Ramon’s condition deteriorates as his family and Gordon prepare for the worst. Stefan and Lexi discuss Lexi’s tricky relationship with Sims and decide to spend New Years eve together.

61. I look forward to your proposal

January 3rd, 2022

When Robbie is blocked by Msizi, Elizabeth convinces her brother to use the ultimate weapon. Felicity makes a stunning proposal.

62. Ups and downs

January 4th, 2022

As guilt overwhelms him, Stefan struggles with the secret he must keep from Sims. Robbie’s partnership with Msizi is off to a rocky start, when Robbie puts the breaks on Msizi’s plans to break ground. As the Price family offer their opinions on Marco’s proposal, Marco begins to wonder if he really should propose…

63. Fool's gold

January 5th, 2022

Felicity doesn’t know how to address the tension in her relationship and seeks advice. Msizi feels out of his depth with his new business venture.

64. Environmental issues

January 6th, 2022

A spanner in the works won't be enough to stop Msizi going ahead with his project. Marco realises just how out of his league Felicity really is. Can he get past it?

65. Love and War

January 10th, 2022

Felicity and Marco’s time away ends unexpectedly while Lexi also finds herself with an unexpected dilemma on her hands. Msizi’s duplicity is unwittingly brought to light.

66. Get away

January 11th, 2022

Lexi faces a crossroad that could change her life. Robbie makes enemies during his attempt to protect Legacy’s latest acquisition.

67. The wetland of tears

January 12th, 2022

Felicity is determined to save her relationship, but it doesn’t go as planned. Robbie and Ben have to physically defend the wetland. Stefan can’t watch Lexi all happy with Sims, he makes a wild decision.

68. The heart of the matter

January 13th, 2022

Lexi resolves to break off her relationship with Stefan… but Stefan has different plans. As Marco pulls away from Felicity, she makes a last ditch effort to prove that they belong together. Robbie is rocked by the discovery of the villain at the heart of the plot against the wetland.

69. Leaders never follow

January 17th, 2022

Felicity puts all her efforts into becoming a less selfish person. But can the lessons of a lifetime be undone for one man? Robbie takes the fight to Msizi regarding the wetlands, but Msizi knows how to play dirty.

70. Standoff

January 18th, 2022

Marco takes Felicity paintballing with some work colleagues. She causes quite a stir. Those around Stefan and Lexi air their concerns about the consequences of their actions. Sims becomes more untrusting of Lexi.

71. Can you imagine?

January 19th, 2022

Robbie believes he’s won, but Mzisi gives him a shocking dose of reality. Felicity has to confront a dark truth about her past.

72. Hide and seek

January 20th, 2022

Stefan and Lexi play hide and seek as Sims comes achingly close to uncovering their affair… Robbie must pull out all the stops to defuse his beef with Msizi.

73. Best laid plans

January 24th, 2022

With their nuptials drawing closer, Felicity secretly worries that she’s going to inadvertently blurt out the harrowing truth to Marco. Lexi battles with having strong feelings for two men but she’s urged to choose one over the other to avoid dramatic loss.

74. Breaking up is hard to do

January 25th, 2022

Felicity fears she may be undone by her sleep talking. Robbie gives into the forced removal but Sandra has other ideas. Lexi has bad news for Stefan and Sims, but then changes her mind.

75. You can't outrun your past

January 26th, 2022

Marco hears Felicity talking about Darren in her sleep. Robbie and Sandra bond over the wetlands compromise.

76. Love and War

January 27th, 2022

Everything is all set for Felicity and Marco’s wedding even as things fall apart. Sims’ love life comes crashing down while Robbie’s takes off spectacularly.

77. End of the affair

January 31st, 2022

Felicity must choose between love and the dark secrets that rule her. The correct choice is obvious… As passion sparks for Robbie and Sandra, Msizi and Barend prepare to settle the problem of the wetland once and for all.

78. Unhappy endings

February 1st, 2022

Felicity struggles to face the consequences of her decisions publicly while Lexi is forced to deal with hers privately. Msizi conspires to get his way at all cost.

79. Poisonous people

February 2nd, 2022

Sandra is caught between the man she works for, and someone she potentially cares for. Dineo offers Felicity a much-needed distraction from her current situation. Lexi leads Stefan down another path of lies, but this time it’s for the greater good.

80. No good goodbyes

February 3rd, 2022

With the wetland dying, Robbie throws his support behind Msizi. But a clue in the court paperwork might prove to be Msizi’s undoing… Lexi throws herself on her sword in order to save Brightside. But will she be able to walk away from the man she loves…

81. Baby blues

February 7th, 2022

Felicity and Elizabeth are both struggling to come to terms with what having (or not having) children. Robbie throws a spanner in the works and Msizi and Sandra’s plans are put on hold.

82. Baby steps

February 8th, 2022

Robbie refuses to let Msizi get away with what he knows to be true regarding the contamination of the wetland. He confronts Msizi and Legacy about it. All the talk about SJ and Petra’s baby, Elna, sends Elizabeth into a spin. She is encouraged to start putting herself out there and start dating again.

83. A thin line between love and hate

February 9th, 2022

Msizi sends in a human stealth bomb in the form of Sandra to try and disarm Robbie but Robbie refuses to be deterred from the fight. Elizabeth takes the plunge into the world of online dating. Sanele gets all hot under the collar from another employee.

84. A desert of money

February 10th, 2022

Sanele can’t believe his luck as his friendship with Jabu becomes Not Safe For Work. A showdown in the boardroom ends in a shocking resignation: a Price is leaving Legacy.

85. Cause and effect

February 14th, 2022

Elizabeth is ready to give up on love, but will a business associate of Angelique brighten up her Valentine’s Day? As the court case begins, Janet’s worst fears are coming true: Legacy has brought a squad of lawyers to take down Robbie and Cranston.

86. Lust

February 15th, 2022

In her quest to land a man, Elizabeth enlists Dineo as her wingwoman… and almost immediately sees results. As Sanele spoils his new boy, his friends start to wonder if Jabu might be too good to be true.

87. Hearts and minds

February 16th, 2022

As Sandra pulls out the stops in her court battle against Robbie, Msizi receives some unexpected news. Sanele’s been struck by Cupid’s arrow, but Jabu is bleeding him of more than just love…Egged on by Lexi, Elizabeth’s quest to find Mr. Right enters a new chapter.

88. Desperate times, desperate measures

February 17th, 2022

Nerves are high as Msizi and Robbie prepare for their final day in court. Elizabeth makes a tough decision that could affect the rest of her life

89. Lonely roots

February 21st, 2022

Robbie is determined to fix what was lost by bumping heads with Msizi. Elizabeth makes a decision that shocks Angelique to the core. The Potgieters adjust to Jabu’s presence in their home.

90. Do or die!

February 22nd, 2022

Robbie and Sandra’s plans to ride off into the sunset hit another stumbling block. Sanele’s love life unceremonious implodes on the entire Potgieter family. Elizabeth’s journey to motherhood is challenged by an internal battle

91. Dangerous games

February 23rd, 2022

Elizabeth gets ready for the biggest decision of her life. Sanele, Willem, and Charmaine clash on how they handled the Jabu situation. Who is in the right?

92. Expecting better

February 24th, 2022

As Elizabeth prepares for IVF and to become a single mom, fate puts her in charm’s way. Robbie gives Sandra the romantic surprise of her life. As Willem and Charmaine fret over losing Sanele, Jabu reveals something about his secret life…

93. Lovestruck

February 28th, 2022

Fate intervenes in Elizabeth’s plans in the form of a dashing man named Max - sparks fly! Robbie and Sandra play cat and mouse as Sanele decamps to Tembisa and gets drawn deeper into Jabu’s thrall…

94. First date flutters

March 1st, 2022

Elizabeth feels like Max may well be Mister Right for her. Sandra’s dinner with the Hugos starts off shaky but ends up improving after some appealing revelations. Sanele offers to arrange a surprise for Jabu's son.

95. When the heart is full, the mouth runs over

March 2nd, 2022

Angelique cautions Elizabeth not to rush in, but Elizabeth and Max find themselves in love. Robbie tries to get closer to Sandra, but she pushes him away when he pushes too hard. The Potgieters agree to let Sanele host Kamo’s birthday party at the house, but Sanele may have bitten off more than he can chew.

96. The rule of love

March 3rd, 2022

Sandra has to decide whether to let love into her life, knowing it will mess up her plans. Max meets the family and everyone loves him. Elizabeth thinks she's hit the jackpot but is uneasy when she mentions children and Max doesn't react the way she’d hoped.

97. The G-word

March 7th, 2022

Max drops a bombshell on Elizabeth. Sanele asks Jabu for the truth, and is shocked by the answer he gets.

98. Stalemate

March 8th, 2022

Elizabeth is caught in a Catch 22 regarding her relationship with Max and tries to convince him to change his mind about having children. Sims and Stefan try and impress the Mayor as he comes to check on how ‘The Brightside’ is getting on. Robbie asks for Sandra’s help regarding his family’s life insurance policy.

99. Baby blues

March 9th, 2022

Elizabeth struggles to deal with losing Max. But she doesn’t know if it's for the best so she can have kids. Sandra and Robbie clash over the Legacy payout to Suzette and Jana.Things escalate and Dineo orders them to fix it.

100. Paying dues

March 10th, 2022

Robbie is caught wrong footed by a decision Sandra makes post their corporate sparring. Elizabeth throws caution to the wind and chooses to live in the now. Sims and Stefan’s decision on the Mayor’s request incites an unexpected reaction from the Mayor.

101. Charming attempts

March 14th, 2022

Elizabeth and Max have a serious discussion about the state of their relationship. Sims and Stefan gets a surprising reaction from the mayor that changes their lives. Robbie attempts to apologise to Sandra, but might be too late.

102. A hard pill to swallow

March 15th, 2022

Elizabeth is caught between choosing what she always wanted and a future with the man she loves. Msizi finds himself in a compromised position when it comes to choosing a new Head of Legal to work with him.

103. Compromised

March 16th, 2022

As Angelique takes on her new role, Dineo’s attempts to make amends for earlier slights leads to an explosive dinner party. With Brightside’s future in the balance, Sims and Stefan find themselves at loggerheads over the mayoral bribe.

104. Big little lies

March 17th, 2022

Angelique discovers something that could potentially see the Prices regain control of the family empire. She plays nice with Msizi and Dineo to give herself an advantage. What is meant to be the best day of her life turns out to be a nightmare for Elizabeth when Max discovers her betrayal.

105. Suspicious minds

March 21st, 2022

Elizabeth deals with the aftermath of Max discovering her plan to trick him about birth control. Sims isn't happy with what Brightside did to stay afloat. He thinks it's only the start of them compromising their morals.

106. To have and to hold

March 22nd, 2022

Angelique pushes her agenda of Msizi and Dineo getting married without either of them being too suspicious of her motives. Robbie gets a worrying call from the Game Academy informing him of Ben’s disappearance. Sims’ worst fears come true when the Mayor shows up unannounced, demanding more favors.

107. Errand boys

March 23rd, 2022

Msizi’s marriage proposal results in a shocking twist. Robbie and Cranston search for Ben, and make a horrifying discovery.

108. Dead end

March 24th, 2022

Angelique lays her plans of regaining Legacy as Dineo and Msizi find themselves in a romantic deadlock. Robbie and Cranston go in search of missing Ben - is he alive or dead?

109. Out in the cold

March 28th, 2022

Angelique tries her best to patch things up with Dineo and Msizi, and tries every tactic to ensure Dineo accepts his proposal. Janet is frantic about Ben still being missing. Robbie and Cranston lead another search party to try and find him.

110. Tears for fears

March 29th, 2022

Dineo reveals her deep-seated fear and the reason she’s scared to remarry. The chances of Robbie finding Ben unharmed grow slimmer by the minute. Willem warns Stefan that he’s playing a very dangerous game.

111. Angelique triumphant

March 30th, 2022

Angelique's wedding plans come to fruition. Robbie is losing hope of ever finding Ben.

112. Missing person

March 31st, 2022

The Hugos start to lose hope in their search for Ben. Msizi is determined to do whatever it takes to marry Dineo.

113. Silver lining/dark cloud

April 4th, 2022

Angelique is victorious, as the moment she’s been waiting for comes to fruition. Robbie is in a predicament and decides to take matters into his own hands. Stefan is worried about Willem’s wellbeing after the stressful period they’ve been through.

114. Your big clever plan

April 5th, 2022

A negotiation with Ben’s kidnapper goes terribly wrong. A mysterious package for Dineo contains a shocking revelation.

115. And the corner office goes to...?

April 6th, 2022

Angelique seeks support for her motion to replace Dineo as CEO and the board meets to vote. Robbie fears the kidnappers have gone underground, and he seeks the help of Sefako to track them down. Charmaine and Stefan’s worry mounts as Willem displays more signs of forgetfulness.

116. From bad to worse

April 7th, 2022

Robbie prepares to exchange the ransom for Ben… but Sefako is starting to think that something is off… While Angelique gloats at her victory, Msizi tries to convince Dineo to start a new company with him. But Dineo has vengeance in mind… Willem continues to deteriorate, and Stefan and Charmaine start to fear the worst.

117. Love's labour's lost

April 11th, 2022

Dineo starts planning to fight back against Angelique. Sefako is suspicious about details of Robbie’s kidnapping. Willem refuses Charmaine’s and Stefan’s request for him to seek medical help.

118. Between a rock (and a hard place)

April 12th, 2022

The Hugo family do whatever they can to raise the R5 million in ransom money for Ben. Dineo is determined to fight for her job and career back, even if it means possibly losing Msizi. Charmaine and Stefan insist that Willem sees a doctor.

119. To do or die

April 13th, 2022

Angelique an Dineo go head to head in court. Each woman proves to be a battle axe in her own right. Stefan And Charmaine face the prospect of watching their father get ravaged by a disease that will leave them both unrecognizable to him.

120. Hard choices

April 14th, 2022

Dineo finds herself between a rock and a hard place when Msizi gives her an ultimatum. The Potgieters find it more difficult to deal with the spanner that’s been thrown into their lives. Felicity returns.

121. Better off alone

April 18th, 2022

Charmaine and Stefan do their best to rally as Willem struggles to keep his grip on reality. As Dineo struggles to mount a winning legal defense against Angelique’s onslaught, she welcomes home an unexpected ally…

122. That which remains

April 19th, 2022

Robbie and Janet get news about Ben, what they will do with that news remains to be seen. Felicity feels she can negotiate a compromise, Angelique feels otherwise. Willem has all his tests done, but to no avail.

123. Opposing forces of nature

April 20th, 2022

Willem gets his MRI results back and is furious with his family about meddling in his affairs. Felicity manages to convince Dineo and Angelique to accept her proposal and discuss a way foward. Robbie and Janet struggle to come to terms with Ben’s death.

124. All is lost

April 21st, 2022

The battle between Angelique and Dineo for the soul of Legacy and the heart of the Price family reaches court and there can be only one victor. The Hugo family mourn the loss of Ben and receive one more startling revelation. Willem is in critical condition and Stefan fears he may lose his father forever.

125. Judgement Day

April 25th, 2022

It's judgement day for Dineo at court. Will she win or lose? Stefan worries that Willem may have had his accident on purpose. Was Willem trying to commit suicide?

126. Things fall apart

April 26th, 2022

Things become tense at Legacy after Angelique takes over as CEO. The Potgieters struggle to come to terms with Willem’s fate.

127. The ugly truth

April 27th, 2022

Willem’s ever declining state sends his family into disarray and Stefan and Charmaine find themselves in a very compromised and conflicting position. Dineo makes a move that has her even more isolated. Robbie finds himself confronted by the ugly truth of white privilege in his endeavour to make a difference.

128. Ring-ring

April 28th, 2022

Willem makes a miraculous recovery, but Charmaine and Stefan are tortured by what they’ve done behind his back. Angelique gloats over defeating Dineo. But Dineo swears she will have justice, and plays the only desperate hand she has left…

129. When the skeletons come calling

May 2nd, 2022

Dineo plants a seed in Angelique’s head about who killed Sebastian. Stefan and Charmaine struggle to put on a united front. Dineo puts Sefako on the spot when she asks him to pick a side.

130. Fickle fortune

May 3rd, 2022

Angelique sets her doubts in Felicity aside, and Dineo resolves to prove the truth to Angelique. Willem returns home from the hospital full of gratitude for his family’s support, and Charmaine and Stefan are riddled with guilt.

131. More questions than answers

May 4th, 2022

Angelique is on the verge of finding out the truth about what Felicity has done. Denise plans something special for Janet. Willem struggles through his recovery after his accident.

132. The truth will out

May 5th, 2022

Willem makes a startling discovery about his dementia. Dineo threatens Felicity with her darkest secret. Janet learns the importance of family...

133. The truth is a noose

May 9th, 2022

Felicity has a lot of convincing to do in order to stay out of jail. Stefan needs to move out of the house after he and Charmaine tainted the family home.

All Seasons

Season 2

Season 2

Sep 20, 2021
Season 1

Season 1

Sep 21, 2020