Based on the early reactions to "IT," fans are going to get exactly what they want from the Stephen King adaptation -- especially if what they want is to be freaked out, lose some sleep, and start counting the days till the sequel.

Critics saw the film in a screening over the weekend and took to social media to post their initial thoughts. Overall, it looks like "IT" is a winner. This was not inevitable, especially since Tim Curry will always be Pennywise the clown to some fans. But Bill Skarsgard appears to have won over critics, and the young stars who play The Losers Club were also praised.

Here are some reactions from critics:

That's all good news for the planned sequel, telling the story of the older Losers. Director Andres Muschietti is returning for the sequel, and he told Variety the plan is to start filming this coming spring 2018.

"We'll probably have a script for the second part in January. Ideally, we would start prep in March. Part one is only about the kids. Part two is about these characters 30 years later as adults, with flashbacks to 1989 when they were kids."

The first "IT" movie opens September 8th, 2017.

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