Poor Elia Martell. Will no one ever avenge her?

The "Game of Thrones" Season 7 finale finally showed us the love story of "The Dragon and the Wolf," but not all fans are ready to see Jon Snow's biological father as a hero.

Amid the discussion of Jon's true name and claim, and his relationship with his aunt, were questions about Rhaegar (Wilf Scolding) throwing over his wife Elia Martell in favor of Lyanna Stark (Aisling Franciosi).

Gilly already revealed earlier in the season that Rhaegar had managed to annul his marriage to Elia and get remarried to Lyanna, even though Rhaegar and Elia had two children together. One of those kids, in the books anyway, was named Aegon Targaryen. That's the same name that was just revealed to be Jon's birth name, whispered from Lyanna to her brother Ned Stark on her deathbed.

So not only was Elia Martell ditched by her husband for a new wife, he also ditched his kids -- who were later murdered by The Mountain, while their mother was raped and murdered -- and replaced his son with another having the same name.

Way harsh, Tai.

Many fans refused to look past this, and honored Elia Martell in a way that would make Oberyn Martell proud, if he hadn't already died trying to avenge her.

Yes, poor Elia. Another casualty of plot convenience. "Game of Thrones" Season 8 will be the final season, and it seems unlikely that the final six episodes will bother to dig deep into the fact that the love story of Jon's parents came at the expense of not just Elia and her kids, but the many others who died in Robert's (Ned should've told him the truth about Lyanna loving Rhaegar) Rebellion.

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