Yikes. Fans are shocked at how ugly this has gotten.

"Sex and the City" stars Kim Cattrall and Sarah Jessica Parker are now Feuding on Social Media. It's a one-way feud, though, at least in public. Cattrall seems to be harboring the most bad blood against SJP, with SJP appearing to want to be friends.

The latest turn happened after Kim Cattrall's brother was found dead. Cattrall had just used social media to ask for help finding him, then reported back that he had passed away.

SJP reached out with condolences, and at first Cattrall seemed appreciative of her -- and the other SATC stars' - kindness.

Both SJP and Cynthia Nixon commented on the post. SJP wrote:

"Dearest Kim, my love and condolences to you and yours and Godspeed to your beloved brother. Xx."

Nixon wrote:

"Hey Kim such awful news. So sorry to hear. Sending you love. XO."

Here's what Cattrall initially posted on Instagram:


A post shared by Kim Cattrall (@kimcattrall) on

But apparently Cattrall's thoughts on the subject changed -- maybe after talking to her mother, who is quoted in her next post. Or possibly from seeing headlines about SJP reaching out, as if that made SJP such a good person.

Either way, this is the clear slam Cattrall shared with the world:

Wow. The link she shared went to the October 2017 story "Inside the mean-girls culture that destroyed 'Sex and the City,'" with details on how Cattrall felt isolated by the cast and "treated horribly by Sarah Jessica Parker."

Clearly Cattrall is grieving for her brother, and she and her mother may have just been frustrated that the conversation had become about how sweet SJP was to give Cattrall a shout-out even after Cattrall kept insisting they were never friends. If Cattrall saw SJP as a hypocrite mean girl for so many years it must've just bubbled up until it came out in public. (Then again, if SJP never posted anything, would she have been slammed by fans as being callous and cold-hearted?)

Fans were shocked at the harshness of Cattrall's slam. But since there's a lot of history we didn't see, and we know she's in mourning for her brother, most fans seemed to understand the complicated emotions involved.

Obviously this shuts the door even tighter on "Sex and the City 3" -- at least with Kim Cattrall as Samantha -- but it's probably for the best.

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