'Game of Thrones' Season 8, Episode 4 Trailer Teases the 'Last War' to Come
The Long Night is over, but while one war comes to an end, another begins.
On last night's "Game of Thrones," the much-anticipated clash between the living and the Army of the Dead took place over an intense 82-minute episode that ended with (no, seriously, spoilers ahead) Arya killing the Night King by stabbing him with a dragonglass dagger.
But that still leaves three more episodes in the final season of the HBO fantasy epic, which means there is no rest for the weary. Now, Daenerys Targaryen, Jon Snow, Sansa Stark, Tyrion Lannister, and the rest must reckon with the present occupant of the Iron Throne — Cersei Lannister.
The question of what to do about Cersei has been put off while the combined Targaryen and Northern forces dealt with the Night King. As Ser Davos Seaworth bluntly said, "If we don't put aside our enmities and band together, we will die — and then it won't matter whose skeleton sits on the Iron Throne."
Now that most of the lead characters have survived, though, the matter of who sits on the Iron Throne will matter, very much. And from the teaser above, it seems that Daenerys is ready to answer that question immediately.
"We have won the great war. Now we will win the last war," she says to raucous cheers from her supporters. "We'll rip [Cersei] out root and stem."
"Game of Thrones" airs Sundays at 9 p.m. on HBO.