Lost In France

Lost In France Season 1

TV Show

Season 1 Plot

Comedy-drama about a family's continuing quest to watch the World Cup in France.

Lost In France Season 1 aired on June 23rd, 1998.

Season 1 Episodes

1. Episode 1

June 23rd, 199815 min

Determined to enjoy the World Cup experience to the full, the football-mad Rudd clan prepare for their French expedition to watch the tournament. But lying in wait on the way are surprises they had not anticipated.

2. Episode 2

June 24th, 199815 min

The Rudds cross the Channel by ferry and duly arrive in Calais - but nothing goes according to plan for them.

3. Episode 3

June 25th, 199815 min

The Rudds disembark from the ferry in Calais, intending to soak up the World Cup atmosphere as much as possible now that they've reached France. However, minor complications bar their way-Craig sniffs a a business opportunity while Owen the hitchhiker fancies some group games of his own.

4. Episode 4

June 29th, 199815 min

Terry's driving almost ends in disaster and Gran gets to grips with the French. Carol and Terry's midnight rendezvous ends in unexpected fashion.

5. Episode 5

June 30th, 199815 min

The Rudd family's French tour continues as they career around the countryside, but Craig soon discovers that his business venture has backfired while the dilemma facing Carol is getting more and more complicated with each day that passes.

6. Episode 6

July 1st, 199815 min

Gran takes a liking to the holy water. Owen and Ruthie's friendship develops as the Rudds concentrate on important matters of football and sex.

7. Episode 7

July 5th, 199815 min

As the semi-finals approach, the Rudds' French expedition continues apace, but tensions in the camper van are mounting.

8. Episode 8

July 7th, 199815 min

Terry is at the wheel and may head for Paris. Owen dares to express his views about football

9. Episode 9

July 10th, 199815 min

Carol and Gran continue to suffer as Terry's football frenzy reaches fever pitch, while Craig's scams create more havoc. Will Owen and Ruthie finally cement their growing friendship?

10. Episode 10

July 11th, 199815 min

Disaster strikes when Gran is rushed to hospital with a mystery illness, while Craig finds a strange package in the campsite toilets.

11. Episode 11

July 12th, 199815 min

The day before the final, and domestic bliss for the camping family is disturbed when Terry discovers Carol and Owen's little secret.

12. Episode 12

July 12th, 199815 min

It's the day of the World Cup final and things are not going well for Terry and Carol as tensions run high and they are still without match tickets