The Addams Family

The Addams Family Season 1

TV Show"When we’re together, every night is Halloween."

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Season 1 Episodes


1. The Addams Family Goes to School

September 18th, 196426 min

Sam Hilliard, a truant officer, shows up at the Addams family home, due to the fact that Pugsley and Wednesday are not attending school. Soon he discovers he's dealing with no typical everyday family.


2. Morticia and the Psychiatrist

September 25th, 196426 min

Gomez and Morticia are shocked when Pugsley joins the boy scouts, begins playing baseball and gets a puppy. Fearing something is wrong, they turn to a psychiatrist.


3. Fester's Punctured Romance

October 2nd, 196426 min

Uncle Fester puts an ad in the personals column and when he doesn't get an immediate response he's heartbroken. Later, the family mistake a cosmetics saleswoman as a respondent to the ad.


4. Gomez, the Politician

October 9th, 196426 min

Sam Hilliard, the ex-truant officer, is running for city council. This puts Gomez in the campaign mood, and he decides to offer financial support.


5. The Addams Family Tree

October 16th, 196426 min

Pugsley and Wednesday get into a fight over families with their friend Harold, who says that his family is better than theirs.


6. Morticia Joins the Ladies League

October 23rd, 196426 min

Gomez and Pugsley visit an old friend of the family, who owns a circus. There, Pugsley befriends Gorgo the Gorilla who later escapes and follows Pugsley home. Meanwhile, Morticia has hopes of joining the Ladies League.


7. Halloween with the Addams Family

October 30th, 196426 min

Two bank robbers accept an unknowing invitation and visit Morticia and Gomez on Halloween, in order to avoid being caught.


8. Green-Eyed Gomez

November 6th, 196426 min

Gomez throws a fit of jealousy when Morticia's former boyfriend visits.


9. The New Neighbors Meet the Addams Family

November 13th, 196426 min

A young couple, simple, naive, and very much in love, move into the house next to the Addams'.


10. Wednesday Leaves Home

November 20th, 196426 min

Family worries when a flustered Wednesday runs away after being scolded for borrowing Uncle Fester's TNT.


11. The Addams Family Meet the VIPs

November 27th, 196426 min

Visitors from another country regret labelling the Addams gang uncultured.


12. Morticia, the Matchmaker

December 4th, 196426 min

Morticia plays matchmaker when her cousin Melancholia and a bachelor lawyer hoping to make a business deal both visit at the same time.


13. Lurch Learns to Dance

December 11th, 196426 min

Morticia and Gomez are supportive of Lurch and encourage him to follow his gut feeling and take dance lessons.


14. Art and the Addams Family

December 18th, 196426 min

Morticia has taken up painting (she throws the paint at the canvas) and Gomez has art critic Bosley Swain evaluate her Swain tactfully suggests a teacher, and Grandma calls Spain for Picasso, getting oddball Sam Picasso in- stead. He tries hard, but Bosley thinks the man is a crook. Gomez likes Sam, and decides (against Sam's wishes) to restore Sam's good name. Wednesday tries coaching him, but Sam keeps trying to escape his dungeon workshop. Swain sees Wednesday's paintings, thinking they're Sam's, and raves. Sam manages to return to Spain to take up the safer occupation of bullfighting, while the whole Addams Family takes up brushes.


15. The Addams Family Meets a Beatnik

January 1st, 196525 min

A young biker on the run from his domineering tycoon dad ends up hiding out in the Addams house, and the Addamses couldn't be happier.


16. The Addams Family Meets the Undercover Man

January 8th, 196526 min

Hollister is an undercover operative who's been picking up odd radio signals from the Addams house. Convinced they're spies, he recruits the postman, Briggs, to help. Briggs panics when he gets in the house, though, and flees. Hollister then tries the plumber, Conkey, who's been called in to fix Kitty's water fountain. When Conkey acts suspiciously, Gomez calls the authorities ending up with Hollister. Morticia is convinced that Hollister is a spy, so they capture him and toss him in the dungeon. He sees that the source of the odd signals is Pugsley's new ham radio. Washington vouches for Hollister, so the Family allow him to go.


17. Mother Lurch Visits the Addams Family

January 15th, 196526 min

Lurch's mother comes to visit the Addams family. Paralyzed by shame, Lurch is unable to admit to Gomez his mistake: Lurch has told his mother that he owns the big house. Gomez gamely suggests a role reversal: Lurch will act like the man of the house, and Gomez and Morticia will act as his servants. Once Lurch's mother arrives, Gomez senses his mistake. The old woman treats Gomez and Morticia poorly, and the husband and wife strongly wish they had never gone along with the act.


18. Uncle Fester's Illness

January 22nd, 196526 min

Lately, Uncle Fester's been a bit rundown, literally unable to maintain his wattage. Since Dr. Mbogo, the reliable family witch doctor, is too busy to leave Africa, the Addamses must take their chances by engaging the services of a local physician, who pays them a house call.


19. The Addams Family Splurges

January 29th, 196526 min

The Addams family hopes to vacation on the moon, but needs to raise a billion dollars. Using Gomez's new supercomputer, the family schemes to make the money by betting on horse races.


20. Cousin Itt Visits the Addams Family

February 5th, 196526 min

Parks Commissioner Fiske visits the Addams house seeking contributions for expansion of the city zoo. Gomez believes visiting Cousin Itt - all hairy and gibbering four feet tall of him - would be perfect as the zoo's new curator. He has the two meet, but Commissioner Fisk misunderstands the intent and mistakes Itt for a new exotic animal attraction whom he has hauled away in chains when the others aren't looking. When the family finds out what's happened, Uncle Fester is ready to administer retribution the Addams way - with a bullet from behind.


21. The Addams Family in Court

February 12th, 196525 min

Grandma's been telling fortunes as Madame Bovary, helped by Thing. She's even set up a tent in the living room. Morticia is appalled and wants her to stop. It's too late, though, as the police arrest her. Gomez decides to be her lawyer, as 'Loophole' Addams. He refuses to let Grandma be sworn in, as telling the whole truth would cramp her style. The Judge orders Gomez off the case, and Morticia takes over. She accuses the police of harassment, and the Judge finds the whole family in contempt. The Judge's wife arrives, and turns out to be one of Grandma's best clients. She insists that her husband dismiss the case.


22. Amnesia in the Addams Family

February 19th, 196530 min

Gomez is juggling with his Indian clubs and hits himself on the head knocking himself unconscious. When he comes to, his personality has drastically changed. He's now acting like a normal person. He's just insured his life for $1 million, and thinks the family is trying to kill him and collect. He wants Morticia to wear some cheerier clothes. She thinks another blow on the head might cure him, but hasn't the heart to do it. Fester does, however, and Gomez is restored. Unfortunately, Lurch has the same idea and hits Gomez again . . . Then Grandma 'cures' him, only for Pugsley to reverse it . . . Morticia is going crary with the flip-flopping personalities. Gomez panics, certain they're trying to kill him, and runs into a suit of armour. The blow cures him - but Fester' s hit his head and everything starts again.


23. Thing is Missing

March 5th, 196526 min

When Thing goes missing, the family discovers he's been "thing-napped."


24. Crisis in the Addams Family

March 12th, 196526 min

Once again, Fester's canon has wrecked the plumbing. The Arthur J. Henson Insurance Agency, subsidiary of Excelso Fidelity Insurance, is outraged by yet another in a series of payouts on the Addams policy, but a clause in the small print enables them to finally cancel it. Fester's allowance is subsequently suspended, so he gets a job - as an insurance salesman for Henson Insurance. It's not hard to guess to whom he sells his first policy, which has the head of the company in an uproar and storming his way to the Addams house to wheedle out of it.


25. Lurch and His Harpsichord

March 19th, 196526 min

Lurch feels betrayed when Gomez and Morticia give their antique harpsichord to a museum.


26. Morticia, the Breadwinner

March 26th, 196526 min

The stockmarket has collapsed, and thousands of people are going broke. Fester and Morticia think that the Family has lost all its money, while Gomez has bought a railroad to play with. Morticia rallies the Family to make money without telling Gomez, as it would upset him. Fester and Lurch start an escort service, Morticia teaches fencing and the kids start a henbane stand. Thing sells pencils. None of these are successes. Gomez is planning a vacation and the Family think he's lost his mind out of shock. Morticia decides to sell her jewels, so Fester blows open the safe. Inside is a railroad stock. Having heard about some mystery man buying railway stock, Morticia has Blooker the broker sell it to the ""Mystery Man"" which is Gomez. Gomez unwittingly buys his own stock. He' s puzzled by the whole thing as all their money is safe, except for that in the railroad, which sank into a swamp.


27. The Addams Family and the Spacemen

April 2nd, 196526 min

Pugsley's late night missile launches cause no less than fourteen sighting calls to the Bureau of Mysterious Space Objects (M.S.O.). The Addamses are about to leave for a combined midnight picnic and snail hunt when they hear an announcement of unknown flying objects in their area. Thinking there might be Martians about, they happily decide to tarry and see while investigators from the M.S.O. converge upon the Addams estate with the same idea. The two parties meet, each deciding that the others are from another world.


28. My Son, the Chimp

April 9th, 196525 min

Fester's working on a new experiment when something goes wrong. An organ grinder's chimp wanders into the house when Fester's experiment blows up. Pugsley was watching, and was knocked through a wall. When the smoke clears, Fester sees the chimp and thinks he's transformed Pugsley into the chimp. Morticia thinks the chimp is nice, but wants her son back. Fester tries contacting the spirit world for advice. Pugsley and tries to explain to Fester that he's behind a secret door. He's eventually freed and the chimp returned to his owner. Wednesday turns up with a new boyfriend - the invisible man's invisible son.


29. Morticia's Favorite Charity

April 16th, 196526 min

The family decides to donate their most precious things to the local bazaar.


30. Progress and the Addams Family

April 23rd, 196526 min

The city is planning to put a freeway through the Addams' neighborhood. In fact, the Addams' house is slated for demolition. Gomez and Morticia must find a solution, or else the house will be destroyed. Arthur J. Henson, city commissioner, visits to underscore the point: the Addams must move out. Unwilling to leave their precious home, Gomez and Morticia arrive at an idea: have the house moved to another location. Gomez buys the vacant lot next to Arthur Henson's home, and he pays to have their house moved there.


31. Uncle Fester's Toupee

April 30th, 196525 min

Uncle Fester confesses that he's exaggerated himself to his Illinois pen pal, Madelyn, especially about having a full head of hair - a mane to equal his bristling athleticism. For Madelyn's forthcoming visit, Morticia and Gomez have Uncle Fester outfitted with a hairpiece, but when Morticia learns that Madelyn has had five husbands, all now dead, she begins to worry for Uncle Fester's future happiness.


32. Cousin Itt and the Vocational Counselor

May 7th, 196526 min

Morticia thinks marriage counseling would be the perfect career choice for Cousin Itt. To prove it to him, she and Gomez pretend to be a couple in trouble, but the pretense goes awry when she starts believing in parts of Gomez's fanciful play-acting. Now Morticia and Gomez really are a couple in trouble, and Itt won't do as a marriage councilor at all. Finally, a professional vocation advisor is called in to evaluate Itt, with an astonishing result.


33. Lurch, the Teenage Idol

May 14th, 196526 min

Low grunts and grumbles while at the harpsichord constitute Lurch's manner of singing. Gomez has a record company record him and soon the Addams house is surrounded by excited teenyboppers, fawning and fainting over Lurch when he becomes the newest hit sensation. All that blind adoration goes to Lurch's head, and the Addames quickly find they have a self-centered butler who won't "buttle" any longer. Could it be they've created a monster?


34. The Winning of Morticia Addams

May 21st, 196526 min

Fester reads an article that claims that apparently happy marriages are dangerous, because there is sickness hidden within. Since Gomez and Morticia are so happy, Fester thinks he'd better help out and make them have a few fights for their own good. He visits Drasi Dumo, Gomez's yoga master, and has Gomez thrown out of his yoga society saying that Morticia's requested it. Fester's plan backfires because Gomez enjoys being with Morticia all that time he would have spent on yoga. Fester then calls the article's author, Dr. Chalon, who comes to offer advice. He's very attracted to Morticia, and Fester stirs this up to cause trouble. Dr. Chalon is the best swordsman in France, and Gomez challenges him to a duel. Fester's getting worried, but Gomez would rather be dead than lose Morticia. Dr. Chalon calls off the fight, declaring that their marriage is perfect just the way it is.

All Seasons

Season 2

Season 2

Sep 17, 1965
Season 1

Season 1

Sep 18, 1964


Oct 30, 1977