The Trap Door

The Trap Door Season 1

TV Show

Season 1 Episodes

1. Breakfast Time

October 6th, 19864 min

Berk is busy preparing his master's breakfast - from worms and other vile concoctions, when a strange yellow creature comes out of the trap door in the kitchen floor and eats the breakfast, closely followed by a large Big Red Thing which chases Berk until Berk hides behind a mirror - the ugly monster gets a nasty shock and retreats down the trap door. Prompted by his master's demands for breakfast, Berk takes the yellow creature, which has eaten everything and fallen asleep, and feeds it to his master as Chef's Special...

2. Slither Wriggle and Writhe

October 7th, 19864 min

Berk is trying to put up some shelves for his master and is using Boni as a prop to hold up the shelf. Looking for some more wood, Berk opens the trap door, but a huge octopus-like creature emerges with writhing arms and creates havoc in the kitchen.

3. Food for Thort

October 8th, 19864 min

Berk is instructed to go and see to the garden. He goes out to feed the plants, especially Thort, his master's favourite vegetable. Returning to the kitchen he opens the trap door to get some worms for dinner, but a swarm of large bees come out and sting him. Berk runs out to the garden followed by the bees, who are eaten by Thort. When the Thing Upstairs shouts for food, Berk suggests a salad ...

4. Lurkings

October 9th, 19864 min

Berk, Boni and Drutt go down to the swamp outside the castle to do some fishing. Boni is moaning because he finds it boring, but Berk has left the trap door open and he is soon surprised by an enormous pink monster who creeps up behind them. Berk is so frightened he falls into the swamp, only to find the monster is friendly and wants to join in...

5. Gourmet's Delight

October 10th, 19864 min

Berk is cooking again, when something invisible comes out of the trap door and starts throwing things about. Berk scores a direct hit in retaliation with some yellow goo and the little creature - Bubo - becomes visible and bright yellow. When Berk eventually catches the naughty Bubo, he finds a hole in the top of his head, blows him up like a balloon and lets him off into the air and lets him drop back down the trap door.

6. Creepy Crawly

October 13th, 19864 min

Something large and black with "lots of legs" comes out of the trap door and scuttles off down the corridor, but Berk won't believe Boni. He goes in search of it and finds a tiny spider, thinking it must be Boni's monster, but just then the enormous black spider drops down in front of him, wraps him in thick green web and chases him into the kitchen. Drutt spins the spider up in his own web and Berk is able to push it back down the trap door.

7. The Big Thing

October 14th, 19864 min

Boni is bored, but Berk doesn't have time to talk to him. Then Rogg appears from the trap door and takes Boni out 'to play' on top of the castle ramparts. Boni talks and talks and bores Rogg until he falls off the castle on top of Berk, who has come in search of Boni. Boni is left talking to himself...

8. Ghoulies

October 15th, 19864 min

Berk and Boni are going through things in a room that's been left untouched for a long time. Berk finds an old book of spells and reads one out, summoning up the 'Ghostly Ghoulies' ... They rush back to the kitchen to find the trap door thumping open and shut and ghoulies floating about the place. To make them go away he has to read the spell backwards...

9. The Dose

October 16th, 19864 min

The Thing Upstairs has a cold, so Berk makes him some of his special medicine. Meanwhile, a 'horrible green gobby lump' comes out of the trap door and drinks all the medicine, with strange results. As Berk drags the little green thing back to the trap door, he finds the creature's mum has come out too - a large yellow lump. Berk, Boni and Drutt all end up with colds.

10. The Thingy

October 17th, 19864 min

Berk is trying to nail the trap door down, but it's no good - a large peculiar looking Thingy comes popping up and changes Berk, Boni and Drutt into all sorts of different shapes, before eventually disappearing again, leaving them back to normal.

11. Don't Let the Bed Bugs Bite

October 20th, 19864 min

Berk goes to sleep but something horrid emerges from the Trap Door and kidnaps Boni. Berk goes down to rescue him. This is one of two episodes which is revealed to be a dream at the end, the other being "Moany Boni".

12. Fester Rancid

October 21st, 19864 min

Bubo, the spout-headed troublemaker from "Gourmet's Delight" is back and he's pushing a distressed Boni about the workroom on his trolley. He takes Boni out to the swamp and starts beating him with a stick. Berk and Drutt arrive, lured by the sound of Boni's moaning that Berk had mistaken for singing. Bubo pokes Berk in the keister with the stick, sending the former straight into the bog, and Drutt tumbles in as well. They both get back out and Berk throws Bubo into the swamp. The three friends head for home, sure they've seen the last of Bubo, who can be seen swimming for shore.

13. The Pain

October 21st, 19864 min

The Thing Upstairs has toothache so Berk goes to sort it out. Drutt wedges open the trap door so he can eat some worms, inevitably releasing a hungry slug thing which decides to eat him instead. This episode is centered on Drutt trying to escape from the creature.

14. The Little Thing

October 23rd, 19864 min

A noisy little thing has escaped and Berk must catch it before it wakes the Thing Upstairs.

15. Don't Open That Trap Door

October 24th, 19864 min

Whilst cleaning out his cupboard Berk finds an old radio and all the monsters (past and future) emerge from the trap door to dance to the theme tune. This episode acts as more of a music video of the series.

16. Junk Food

October 27th, 19864 min

Rogg returns and eats all the garbage; he then causes trouble by going up in the lift to the Thing Upstairs's room.

17. Yechh!

October 28th, 19864 min

Something horrible escapes and lays its eggs. Little things hatch quickly only to pop almost immediately, causing havoc for poor Berk.

18. Flyin' Watsit Fingy

October 29th, 19864 min

Berk is trying to take a photograph of Boni and Drutt but is interrupted by a green bat, which he and Drutt pursue around the cellar. Ultimately, Berk's camera photographs them all, and the flier escapes into his master's bedroom.

19. Strange Goings On

October 30th, 19864 min

Berk is taking everyone on a picnic but has to scratch the Thing Upstairs before he leaves. While he's gone something pulls Boni down the trap door. This episode is centered on Boni and his experiences through the trap door caverns then the swamp.

20. Midnight Snack

October 31st, 19864 min

Whilst everyone is asleep four near-identical greedy things emerge and raid the kitchen, causing a mess.

21. Nasty Stuff

November 3rd, 19864 min

Berk makes some medicine for his headache, but after drinking it he turns into a horrible monster.

22. Sniff That

November 4th, 19864 min

Something with a lot of eyes sneaks up on Berk while he's trying to unclog a drain. Another thing that sucks things into its mouth climbs out too, and in the end solves both his problems.

23. Vile Pile

November 5th, 19864 min

All the rubbish Berk keeps throwing down the trap door comes to life and starts spitting slime at him.

24. Slightly Weird

November 6th, 19864 min

Berk tries to pick mushrooms for the Thing Upstairs's breakfast, until one of them runs off.

25. Bye Bye Berk

November 7th, 19864 min

Fed up with running around after the Thing Upstairs, and fending off the trap door monsters, Berk leaves.

All Seasons

Season 2

Season 2

Apr 21, 1990
Season 1

Season 1

Oct 6, 1986