As far as we know, Betty White is alive, well, and ready to celebrate her 95th birthday on January 17, 2017. (Pause to pray that this remains true.) But a freaked-out Internet has convinced itself that she is in danger of being 2016's final celebrity victim.

On Tuesday -- the same day Carrie Fisher died and shortly after the Christmas death of George Michael -- a fan started a Go Fund Me page called "Help protect Betty White from 2016." Here's the intro:

"Help 2016 catch these hands if it goes anywhere near Betty White! If she's okay with it I will fly to where ever Betty White is and keep her safe till Jan 1 , 2017. Now , assuming she doesn't want a strange Greek standing [guard] outside her door all monies will be donated to the Spartanburg little theater to help craft new stars of stage and screen to carry mantle of the legends that have left is this year."

So far, $35 has been raised of the $2,000 goal. But the goal is really to make people aware that Betty White is still with us, but we're not sure for how long, so she must be protected at all costs.

"Betty White" started trending on Twitter, earning more than 45,000 tweets, mostly from fans reacting in fear to the fact that "Betty White" was trending. (Twitter is such a strange place.)

Everyone means well, but ... are they just temping 2016? It still has almost a full week left.

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