Good day for watching porn

Good day for watching porn
NR 1 hr 28 minComedy
Tenth graders Oh Dongseok Lee Daebal and Ryu Kiseong live in the same neighborhood and go to the same school They are enjoying their summer vacation They attend a discussion academy to apply for university and slowly they start getting interested in women They open up to porn They always talk about it and share new porn getting deeper into the world of it Everything looks like porn to them They have wet dreams and spend a period of passion and bloodboiling time Dongseok likes AV actress Yakijaki from Japan A new girl named Miae comes to their discussion class and he likes her because she looks like his favorite porn star Hes happy he can see the star on porn and Miae in real life
DirectorKwon Moon-seon
WriterKwon Moon-seon

Movie Details

Original Language:Korean
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