Silver Skates (2021)

Movie"A Magical Journey Awaits You!"
Audience Score
1899, the Christmas-time St.Petersburg. Ice-covered rivers and canals of the capital seethe with festive activities. On the eve of the new century those who should not be destined to meet, come together. They are people from different worlds: Matvey, the son of a lamplighter, whose only treasure is his silver-plated skates; Alice is the daughter of a high-ranking official dreaming of science. Each of them has his own difficult life-story, but having accidentally met they rush forward together in pursuit of their dreams.

Movie Details

On Digital & Streaming:June 16th, 2021 - Watch Now
Movie Box Office Gross:$7,099,734 (Worldwide)
Original Language:Russian
Production Companies:KIT Film Studio, Studio Trite, Kinoslovo, Cinema Foundation of Russia, Central Partnership, CGF Films, Russia-1