The Firm Cross Trainers Firm Cardio (1995)

"Sequenced to burn fat while working alternately upper and lower body"Movie
The Firm Cross Trainers  Firm Cardio
NR 1 hr 2 minJan 1st, 1995
Designed as a pair the FIRM Strength and FIRM Cardio cross train by varying the sequencing of exercises FIRM Strength shapes muscle by first working the upper body then the entire lower body and FIRM Cardio burns fat using PHA Peripheral Heart Action training to work the upper and lower body alternately PHA sequencing also strengthens the heart by repeatedly making it pump blood back and forth between distant muscle groups When used on alternate days they sculpt your body by preventing muscles from adapting to predictable exercise sequences and maximize aerobic endurance and fat burning
DirectorAnna L. Benson
WriterMark S. Henriksen

Movie Details

Theatrical Release:January 1st, 1995
Original Language:English
Executive Producers:Cynthia S. Benson
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