A composer is a musician who creates original music to help set the tone of a movie.

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What a composer does: During post-production, a composer is hired to create musical motifs to help set the mood on screen. These scores, sometimes referred to as cues, aim to blend seamlessly with the dialogue and action taking place in a film.

Who relies on the composer: The director and producer both depend on the composer to decide where music should start and stop in a scene and how it should sound.

How to become a composer: Although there is no set path to become a composer, a degree in music or in film can help open doors to your dream job. It's also helpful to garner experience on student films, commercials or TV commercials before setting your sights on Hollywood.

Networking: Join the Composers Guild of America, an organization dedicated to connecting composers all over the world with a mentorship program that connects students with professionals in their field.

-Dana Meltzer Zepeda