Norwegian Cozy

Norwegian Cozy Miniseries

TV Show

Miniseries Plot

After a bad breakup, Georg goes back to live with his father Frank. His greatest desire is to be a father, and his greatest fear is to become as paranoid and intolerable as Frank. Georg, still feeling sane, starts writing letters to his future son while looking for a mother worthwhile…

Norwegian Cozy Miniseries aired on January 3rd, 2011.

Miniseries Episodes

1. Episode 1

January 3rd, 201158 min

2. Episode 2

January 10th, 201158 min

3. Episode 3

January 17th, 201158 min

4. Episode 4

January 24th, 201158 min

5. Episode 5

January 31st, 201158 min

6. Episode 6

February 7th, 201158 min